Check your compensation claim


Flight compensation from SAS for flight cancellation due to airline strike?

On July 19, 2022, SAS management announced that they had reached an agreement with the pilots’ unions on a new collective bargaining agreement for the next 5 ½ years.

This marked the end of a 15-day strike among the company’s pilots.

Approximately 380,000 passengers were affected by around 3,700 SAS canceled flights during the period.

Today, many SAS passengers have received refunds on their airline tickets.

But passengers are ALSO entitled to flight compensation from SAS. The courts have ruled that the strike at SAS is not an exceptional circumstance.

How much can I get in flight compensation from SAS?

The compensation is a kind of compensation for the cancellation that SAS has to pay.

If you were affected by SAS canceling flights due to the strike in the summer of 2022, you should be aware that in addition to a refund of the ticket, you are entitled to either DKK 1,865 (250 Euro), DKK 2,985 (400 Euro) or DKK 4,500 (600 Euro) in compensation.

The deciding factor in how much flight compensation you are entitled to is the destination – the further you had to fly, the greater the compensation. For example, if you were traveling from Denmark to Crete, Mallorca or Malaga (or the opposite direction), you are entitled to DKK 2,985 (equivalent to EUR 400).

Your claim expires after 3 years!

Compensation claims are time-barred according to the general Danish statute of limitations.

This means that a case must be filed with the courts within 3 years after you received notification from SAS about the cancellation. However, since claims can also be forfeited due to inaction, it is our very clear recommendation that you raise your claim for compensation with SAS immediately to avoid losing your right to it.

How to get flight compensation from SAS

At Flyadvokaten, we offer NO CURE, NO PAY. This means that we only receive a fee if we succeed in getting you compensation from SAS. In other words, it is risk-free for you to leave the work to us.

Flyadvokaten is the only law firm in Denmark that specializes in air passenger rights. We know the rules and can also help you with compensation from SAS due to canceled flights.


Scandinavian Airlines System – or simply “SAS” – is the largest airline in Scandinavia.

The company was founded in 1946 by the then national airlines of Denmark (Det Danske Luftfartselskab), Sweden (Svensk Interkontinental Lufttrafik AB) and Norway (Det Norske Luftfartselskap DNL).

The first SAS flight took place on September 17, 1946.

In 2019, there were approximately 11,000 employees in SAS.

SAS is headquartered in Stockholm and primarily serves the airports Stockholm-Arlanda, Oslo-Gardermoen and Copenhagen-Kastrup, with Copenhagen-Kastrup being the most used. The company has approximately 160 aircraft.

SAS was one of the five airlines that formed the “Star Alliance” in 1997, of which SAS is still a member.

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What our customers say

Safe helpSafe to get help from a lawyer. Got compensation and compensation for new airline tickets. Highly recommended 🙂   Christina
Compensated customer
Case won against RyanairOur flight from London was canceled and Ryanair never responded when we wrote to them. The airline lawyer took them to court and we won the case. Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without your help.
Alice og Svend-Erik
Compensated customer
Great legal adviceVery professional and knowledgeable legal help and easy to get help from there. The case was handled properly from start to finish.
Michela Lykke Juul Tyron
Compensated customer
Really good serviceGreat service from start to finish. For me, it was a huge help. I would probably like to be able to do it myself, but it’s great that money just comes into my account without me doing anything.
Mie Mogensen
Compensated customer
Exceptionally good case managementThe airline lawyer stuck to the claim for compensation all the way through the legal system and won the case.
Jesper Theil Nielsen
Compensated customer

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