Reimbursement of expenses

Check your compensation claim

Buying new flights

In the event of a flight cancellation, you have some rights. Among other things, the airline is obliged to re-route you under comparable transportation conditions to your final destination.

Rescheduling must be done at the earliest opportunity, which means that the airline must – if necessary – book you on another airline (if that is the fastest way to get there).

The airline is not fulfilling its obligations under the Air Regulation by sending you a link. The airline is not fulfilling its obligations under the Airline Regulation by sending you a link to the airline’s own website where you can search for new tickets yourself.

If you are not offered reasonable re-routing by the airline, you are entitled to buy new airline tickets. You can then claim the cost of this from the airline. If you instead choose to be transported by other means, such as a rented car or train, the airline must generally cover the cost of this.

If you have been reimbursed for the original flight ticket (read more here), you can claim the difference between the new and old ticket from the airline.

The airline is ONLY obliged to cover such expenses that can be undoubtedly documented. You should therefore keep receipts showing what has been purchased and when. A simple credit card bill cannot be used to cover an expense.

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Catering and accommodation

If the air carrier does not provide meals and accommodation as required by the air carrier, passengers who have had to pay for meals and refreshments, hotel accommodation and transportation between the airport and the hotel and/or telecommunication services may be reimbursed for the expenses they have incurred, provided that the expenses were necessary, appropriate and reasonable. The airline is not obliged to cover the purchase of beer, wine and spirits, including in connection with meals.

The airline is ONLY obliged to cover such expenses that can be undoubtedly documented. You should therefore keep receipts showing what was purchased and when. A simple credit card bill cannot be used to cover an expense.

Reimbursement claims expire after 2 years (whereas compensation claims expire after 3 years).

What our customers say

Safe helpSafe to get help from a lawyer. Got compensation and compensation for new airline tickets. Highly recommended 🙂   Christina
Compensated customer
Case won against RyanairOur flight from London was canceled and Ryanair never responded when we wrote to them. The airline lawyer took them to court and we won the case. Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without your help.
Alice og Svend-Erik
Compensated customer
Great legal adviceVery professional and knowledgeable legal help and easy to get help from there. The case was handled properly from start to finish.
Michela Lykke Juul Tyron
Compensated customer
Really good serviceGreat service from start to finish. For me, it was a huge help. I would probably like to be able to do it myself, but it’s great that money just comes into my account without me doing anything.
Mie Mogensen
Compensated customer
Exceptionally good case managementThe airline lawyer stuck to the claim for compensation all the way through the legal system and won the case.
Jesper Theil Nielsen
Compensated customer

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