Sunclass Airlines delay?
Even on a charter flight, you are entitled to flight compensation if Sunclass Airlines is delayed
Your rights in the event of a flight delay are the same whether you have purchased your flight tickets directly from Sunclass Airlines or if the flight tickets are part of a package tour (charter trip) purchased from e.g. Spies.
You can also receive compensation for flight delays on a charter trip with (for example) Spies.
Even if you have purchased the entire charter trip with Spies, the compensation claim must still be filed with Sunclass Airlines if the airline cancels your flight or you are delayed for 3 hours or more.
How to get flight compensation from Sunclass Airlines
At Flyadvokaten, we know all about your flight delay rights. Our team has conducted more than 40,000 legal cases in Denmark and Sweden, and we are the only law firm in Denmark specializing in air passenger rights in the event of flight delays.
In other words: We know all about the rules and your rights in the event of a flight delay, including your right to compensation for a delayed flight.
Contact us to learn more about your rights in the event of a flight delay or create your case for free here.
How much does it cost to get help from the Aviation Lawyer?
And the price for flight assistance with us is understandable. We offer NO CURE, NO PAY. This means that we only need a fee if we succeed in getting you compensation from LOT Polish Airlines. In other words, it is risk-free for you to leave the work to us.
About Sunclass Airlines
Sunclass Airlines is part of the Nordic Leisure Travel Group, which also includes the charter travel agencies Spies, Ving and Tjäreborg as well as a number of hotel chains.
When you’re going on a charter vacation with, for example, Spies, there is – in other words – a good chance that you’ll be flying with Sunclass Airlines.
Sunclass Airlines was established in 2019. This happened after the airline Thomas Cook Airlines went bankrupt. Sunclass Airlines has its roots back to the charter airlines MyTravel Airways and – even earlier – Premiair.
Denmark’s ONLY law firm specializing in air passenger rights
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