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Eva Persson

For almost 20 years, the flight attorney Eva Persson has been running the law firm Concilio & Co.

Eva Persson became a lawyer in 2004 and was granted the right to appear before the Supreme Court in Denmark in 2014. For the past 10 years, Eva Persson has worked with REGULATION (EC) No 261/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and she has conducted more than 40.000 court cases in Denmark and Sweden, including 5 landmark cases at the Supreme Court in Denmark and more than 500 high court cases, regarding air passengers rights.

Completely separate from Flyadvokaten/The Flight Attorney, Concilio & Co law firm provides legal assistance to a wide range of professional and skilled companies, both Danish and foreign, that specialize in collecting compensation claims for air passengers. For some companies, Concilio & Co only handles cases in the High Courts and the Supreme Court, while for others, the firm handles the entire legal division, including cases in the District Court. Eva Persson values and respects this co-operation very much.

If you have a large case portfolio and are interested in learning more about the terms and conditions for collaborating with Concilio & Co law firm, please contact attorney Eva Persson at All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.

Det siger vores kunder

Tryg hjælpTrygt at få hjælp fra en advokat. Fik kompensation og erstatning for nye flybilletter. Kan klart anbefales 🙂   Christina
Kompenseret kunde
Vundet sag mod RyanairVores fly fra London blev aflyst og Ryanair svarede aldrig da vi selv skrev til dem. Flyadvokaten trak dem så i retten, og vi vandt sagen. Tak, vi kunne ikke have gjort det uden jeres hjælp.
Alice og Svend-Erik
Kompenseret kunde
Mega god advokathjælpMeget professionel og kyndig advokathjælp og nemt at få hjælp derfra. Sagen blev behandlet ordentligt fra start til slut.
Michela Lykke Juul Tyron
Kompenseret kunde
Virkelig god serviceSuper service fra start til slut. For mit vedkomne var det kæmpehjælp. Vil sikkert godt kunne selv, men fedt der bare komme penge ind på konto uden at jeg selv gør noget.
Mie Mogensen
Kompenseret kunde
Enormt god sagsbehandlingFlyadvokaten holdt fast i erstatningskravet hele vejen igennem retssystemet og vandt sagen.
Jesper Theil Nielsen
Kompenseret kunde

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